Let Him Slide
By: Giantguy

The neon sign in the window "MASSAGE TANNING BOOTH SAUNA" was buzzing, half burnt out when Gary banged into the small lobby right before closing on a wet Sunday night. You'd swear he was a surfer... blond hair falling into his face. A deep tan. Blinding white teeth. Hell, he hated the ocean. He took what he had and built up his image with long hours in the gym, capped teeth and sessions in the tanning bed. Now he looked damn good, and he knew it. He screwed an endless line of women -- most of them a little older who could do something for him. And he didn't mind using what he had to lead on a guy... if he could get something out of it. He was the king of making promises he didn't have to deliver... he worked it for all he could.

Gary waited impatiently, looking around. The place was dead. It was small, cramped, and the equipment wasnt' that great. The only reason he kept coming back here was that Ted, the owner, let him slide on paying up if he just flirted with him a little. Ted was a rock solid guy, powerful rather than pretty, but for some reason he let Gary get away with his i'm-straight-but-hey-maybe-for-you-buddy act ... how much must he owe the place now? Must be a hell of a lot.

Anthony, the manager who doubled doing massages, came out. Anthony looked like Mike Piazza of the Mets, with a Teamster's arms and five o clock shadow by noon.

"Hey buddy, we're locking up early."

Gary flashed his Tom Cruise caps. "Aw come on man. I just need couple minutes in the tanning bed. Going away this week and I wanna look good."

Anthony punched up the account number on the battered out of date computer. "Uh... yeah. Hey listen," he said in his raspy voice, "What's up with your account, man? You got a lot of charges on here... gonna pay up or what?"

Gary was a little irritated. He shouldn't have to deal with this shit. "Listen, Tony." The beefy man's brows lowered a little. "Is Ted around? Let me talk to him."

"I'm about to do his end of week rubdown, he doesn't wanna--" Anthony stopped as Ted, in his robe, stuck his head out of the massage room.

"What's the hold up? Oh, hey Gary." Ted stepped out into the room, a little closer than Gary liked. He could feel heat coming off the 40 year old's skin.

Anthony was his usual gruff self, folding his powerful arms across his doctor's-scrub covered chest. "He wants to get in the tanning bed. I told him we're closed up. Plus I told him hes gotta pay up."

Gary turned on the charm full blast, putting his arm on Ted in his buddy-buddy way. "You know I'm going to man, just a couple things haven't come through and I'm still working on it."

Ted frowned a little, then a thought seemed to cross his mind, and he looked over at Anthony. "I think we can let him slide..." He looked back at Gary, "...one last time." Gary grinned. This was too fuckin' easy. There was always a next time.

Ted smiled back at Gary. "We just got some new equipment in. From Europe... the best. I think you'll like it. Take him in there, Anthony. Then I'm ready for my massage, it's been a tough week." He clapped Gary on the shoulder. Gary thought he noticed Ted's dick pushing against the fabric of his robe. Damn, just smile at the guy and he gets a hardon. Fuckin' pathetic. Gary smiled more and just winked at Ted. Ted gave Anthony a look, and then went back into the massage room, dropping his robe just before he closed the door. Gary had a glimpse of his back... a strong V, coming down to a hard, round ass and muscular thighs. He had to respect the guy for keeping in shape like that, even if he was a fuckin' pushover.

"Come on. I'll get ya set up." Anthony led Gary back to one of the two tanning rooms. He pushed the door open... in the small dark room was a new tanning bed, with a control panel at the side, all glowing LCD. Anthony looked him up and down. "How tall are ya buddy? Five eleven?"

Gary stood a little taller. "Six feet even," he said. "... ASSHOLE" he added mentally. Anthony punched a couple of numbers in, moving his lips while he made some mental calculation, and then pressed a few other pads. A low, low hum kicked in, almost inaudible but creating a buzzing vibration in Gary's chest.

"There ya go. I'll come get ya when the cycle's complete." Anthony backed out of the room fast, almost slamming the door. Jesus, Gary thought. Definitely an asshole. He kicked off his clothes, scratched his crotch, put his rubber eye-covers on and climbed in the tanning bed. A blue glow was filling the room and the vibration was more intense, rumbling in Gary's body. He lay back ... the buzzing feeling felt great... but was almost making him dizzy ... like being in a flotation tank ... it was making his head swim ... he was going to have to tell Ted this new equipment sucked ... his thoughts got fuzzy as the vibrations grew in intensity, feeling like the sound equivalent of a black, sucking void.

And suddenly there was silence. And Anthony's voice coming from somewhere (over a loudspeaker?) "OKAY. CYCLE'S OVER. COMIN' TO GET YA."

Gary reached for his eye goggles and peeled them off. He blinked his eyes. He was still dizzy. He looked up -- he could see Anthony but the perspective was all wrong. Was he blacking out? He looked -- the bed seemed to stretch out like a football field, the ceiling seemed to be a mile away. He shook his head. He was completely disoriented. Anthony reached for him, the hand seeming to grow huge, coming closer and closer.

As Anthony's hand reached him, Gary's mind snapped to cold reality. He was four inches tall. A burning rush of adrenaline pushed through him. What? How the fuck? How could this fucking HAPPEN?

"Time to go," Anthony growled, scooping the tiny man off the still faintly glowing platform. He still wasn't used to the feeling of a small, live man in his hand. He didn't like how they squirmed in his palm. Not having any pockets, he did the next best thing. He yanked on the drawstring to his scrubs, pulled his jock pouch away from his groin, and dropped Gary in, snapping it back. He stepped out of his scrubs and picked them up, heading back to the massage room with a stunned, four-inch-tall man stuffed in his jock.

Gary was almost sick from the G forces of being picked up, and then the free fall of being dropped, when he landed on hot, rubbery flesh, and the light was cut off. He was overpowered by the musky smell, and a second later realized he was pushed against Anthony's massive uncut cock, hanging fat and soft and bigger than Gary.

As Anthony walked, Gary instinctively held on, even though he was held against Anthony's cock by the mesh of his jock pouch. He could feel the enormous dick shifting a little, and could feel Anthony's pulse as blood slowly pumped into his cock.

The movement stopped, and Gary could hear rumblings that sounded like voices. He was too much in shock to do much except hold on. Suddenly he felt something pressing against him, pushing him harder into Anthony's crotch. There was something warm and wet soaking through the pouch ... he was being prodded and pushed. Suddenly light poured in as the jock was pulled down ... and Gary found himself looking at Ted's mouth and tongue, greedily licking and sucking on Anthony's jock.

Suddenly unsupported by the pouch, Gary scrambled for a hold. Ted backed off a little, and smiled. A huge, wide, wet smile. He lay naked on the massage table, his head at Anthony's crotch height.


Gary was suddenly clamped in Anthony's sweaty, oily palm, and brought around the table as Anthony walked to Ted's side. Ted lay down on his belly again, readjusting himself on the table.

Anthony raised Gary up in the air again -- Gary had a brief aerial view of Ted's body, strong, stocky, glistening with oil, before he landed right on the small of Ted's back. He slipped trying to stand up on Ted's warm, slick skin. Anthony reached down, giving him a little push, and then Gary was sliding down the crack between Ted's buttcheeks. Anthony pushed him like you would a matchbox car, down into the deep oiled cleft of Ted's ass. Ted flexed his cheeks and groaned a little. Gary felt the warm friction of Ted's buns enveloping him, and far above him he saw Anthony's smirking face as he pushed him back and forth.

Deeper and deeper into the crack he went, Ted's glutes rising on either side. Gary gasped for breath in the humid, musky atmosphere, just trying to hold on. Ted's moans were getting louder. Gary was slipping and sliding faster and faster, Anthony's thick fingers pushing him down between Ted's asscheeks. Suddenly Gary realized he was right against Ted's butthole, hot, flexing, squeezing. He squirmed in Anthony's fingers, trying to stop his sliding by bracing himself with his feet. He caught the edge of Ted's hole with his foot but was suddenly caught like a bear in a trap. Ted moaned loudly, and Gary, looking up, could see a sudden evil grin stretch across Anthony's face.

Anthony's thumb suddenly bore down on Gary's head. Gary struggled to hold his head up against the pressure ... suddenly he slipped and found his leg sinking into Ted's asshole. As he tried to get his footing, his other leg joined the first. There was no resistance, nothing for his feet to hang on to. Anthony pushed slowly and surely ... driving Gary down into Ted's ass like a nail into butter.

Gary heard Ted's groans get louder and louder ... his ass was bucking as he humped the table, pushing himself back against Anthony's thumb. Gary slipped in further and further ... Ted's sphincter flexing around his waist ... his chest ... finally as he was in up to his neck, Anthony's thumb couldn't get the leverage he needed ... Gary was trying to breathe, the hot wet warm sock of Ted's ass all around him like a flexing, squeezing tube ... a little more air reached Gary as Anthony spread Ted's ass with both hands, pulling his buns wide to see Gary sunk helplessly up to his neck in Ted's butthole.

Gary panted for air ... Anthony leaned closer ... his breath warm and spicy ... his mouth opened ... he held Ted's buttcheeks wide ... his face coming closer, looming massively over Gary ... his fat, thick tongue stretched from his mouth ... straining, pointed ... pressing against Gary's head... pushing ... pushing ... pushing... as Gary slipped into Ted's ass, feeling the muscle ring tighten overhead.

Gary squirmed, writhing in the red-black darkness. He felt Ted's booming, rumbling groans echoing as Ted hunched his dripping cock against the leather of the massage table. Gary tried to hold his breath... his lungs bursting ... his head spinning ... the slick walls of Ted's ass all around him... he blacked out.

Suddenly he felt himself moving. Being pulled... sliding ... slipping... There was air ... sounding like wind blowing into a cavern ... the spicy scent ... Gary put his arms out to his sides and felt himself being dragged over -- teeth? Pressed against -- ANTHONY'S TONGUE? Holy fuck -- he was being sucked into Anthony's mouth.

Light almost blinded him as Anthony's mouth gaped wide. Gary lay back on Anthony's tongue, covered in saliva and slime, exhausted, in shock, chest heaving, pumped full of adrenalin. He saw Ted's grin again, looking down at him.


Gary shook his head a little. Paid up? Maybe this was all over ... they'd put him back in that fucking machine ... he'd never tell anyone ... who would fucking believe him? But Ted was still talking.


Ted laughed as Anthony's lips closed slowly. Gary felt himself start to slip as Anthony tipped his head back, preparing. Gary was pressed against the roof of his mouth, moving, being pushed by Anthony's powerful tongue ... he struggled to hold on to the wet, rough, flexing muscle. Saliva flowed over him ... he could feel Anthony's throat muscles contracting, grabbing, clenching.

And then he started to slide.

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